Install AES Crypt in linux to encrypt and decrypt files

AES Crypt is a file encryption software available on several operating systems that uses the industry standard Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) to easily and securely encrypt files.


Visit download page of AES Crypt and copy the download link of AES Crypt source code for linux.

tar -zxf aescrypt-3.0.9.tgz

Now the AES Crypt source is extracted. The download link and filename may differ version to version. Follow on…

    cd aescrypt-3.0.9/


    make install

That’s it. If you don’t see any error message, AES Crypt is installed fine.

Now you may encrypt and decrypt any file easily.


    aescrypt -e -p passkey test.txt

This command will encrypt test.txt with passkey. Remember this passkey. This is your key to decrypt this file. When the encryption is completed, you will see a new file test.txt.aes. This is your encrypted file. You may store it for future use. Again, if you forget your passkey, you will loss this file too.


    aescrypt -d -p passkey test.txt.aes

This will decrypt the file test.txt.aes and will restore to its previous state.

Using AES Crypt on Linux